TwinPlex Traffic Cams

35E and Hwy 36

MN 65: T.H.65 N-S @ 147th Ave in Ham Lake

I-35W SB @ 95th Ave in Lexington

35W and 694 New Brighton

I694 and Zane

I94 East of Hwy 101

494 and 394 Plymouth

394 and France Golden Valley

I94 and Riverside Minneapolis

I94 and Western St. Paul Midway

I94 and white Bear ave St Paul (east side)

I94 and CR21 Lake Elmo

494 and Valley Crk, Woodbury

35 and Crystal Lk Rd Burnsville

Hwy 77 and MN River Bloomington/

494 and Portland

TH 212 and 101

35W and 42 ST Minneapolis

Hwy36 and Snelling Roseville

I94 & Hwy 95 Stillwater

35W & Wasington AVe NE Minneapolis

Halstad, MN NW Minnesota

I35 and 210th st, Lakeville

Emily, MN
Minnesota Web cams

US 2: U.S.2 (Solway - MP 99.7)Bemidji, MN

Thief River Falls US59 MP363.4

MN 1: T.H.1 (Ely - MP 275) MN

Hibbing, MN-11

HWY61 4th ST Grand Marais, MN

Frazee, MN HWY10

U.S.53 (Ash Lake - MP 129

I-90 Southwest,MN Beaver Creek MP4

Prior Lake,MN

Virgina, MN

Morris, MN

Hillman, MN

White Bear Lake, MN

T.H.23 (Hanley Falls - MP 94), MN

Nisswa, MN

LaCrosse, WI

North St. Paul, MN

Hwy 36 and Rice St Roseville Minnesota

Mackinac Island

I-35 MN/Iowa border

I94 Milworth MN MP5